Daily delight: Christy's Madison cover

Madison isn't my favourite mag on the block, but I am seriously in love with a fresh faced, polished and just plain beautiful 40-year-old Christy Turlington on the cover of its latest issue. Ridiculous gorgeousness and the kind of hair that's made to covet. A passionate yoga advocate, she's also heavily involved in women's health and famously detached from the supermodel status. “Now I’m 40 and getting this degree, I might be on the cusp of the career I always wanted,” Turlington said recently of her master’s studies in public health and her work as an advocate for maternal health with the relief agency CARE.
“Maternal deaths mean there are very serious things going on under the radar about women’s status.” So passionate is she about the cause, she has self-funded a documentary No Woman, No Cry scheduled for release in 2010.


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