Daily delight: Kevin Murphy’s POWDER.PUFF

One of the coolest new hair styling products I’ve got my hands on in a long, long while is Kevin Murphy’s POWDER.PUFF. As well as coming in a super cute, round pink container, it is one very clever little beast. It effortlessly gives you the look of having just had a roll in the hay, but in the most stylish possible way. To create a messy casual volume (as per the beautiful pic above), gently tap a few shakes on the hair that you want body on, and the powder morphs into a product that holds all day long. Or, just add it to the roots – wet or dry – and when you need a little extra lift just push it back into place for even more volume and texture. This is definitely going in my suitcase for my upcoming trip, it will be invaluable for a post-flight pick-me-up!
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