Love it: Dr.Hauschka's Rejuvenating Mask

A few weeks ago I made a wonderful new skincare discovery in the form of Dr.Hauschka’s Rejuvenating Mask. Called a Dr.Hauschka 2012 “Hero” product - Hero products are all highly-revered, award-winning products that produce brilliant, beautiful skin – it was recommended to me as a bit of a medical kit in a tube, and it turned out to be all that and more.
After five weeks’ of daily radiation therapy my skin was in dire need of some serious TLC, and this little tube of wonderful was its saving grace. It is the ideal intensive care choice for the skin - regardless of its current condition – and has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties and promotes the healing of wounds. It brings life and vitality to pale, dry skin and helps improve the elasticity of pores, and can even help with the healing of scar tissue over time. It does pretty much everything bar the dishes, and it is a top choice whatever your skin type (sun-stressed and couperose - dilated capillaries - skin conditions in particular benefit from regular use apparently).
You can use it once or twice a week as an intensive skin care treatment after a thorough cleanse and tone, leaving it on for about 20-30 minutes then removing with a warm, moist cloth. In severe cases of post-acne scarring, just apply a very thin layer of Rejuvenating Mask to the affected areas, before applying your usual moisturiser and make-up. Then it can work on your skin all day.
Amazingly, my skin felt even better the morning after I used this incredible mask, and continued to do so throughout the day. Regular use will definitely help it get its mojo back, and when I pack tonight for my trip to Byron Bay tomorrow morning it will definitely be going in my bag.
So what are you waiting for? Get this ASAP – you skin will most definitely thank you for it!


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