Giveaway & 5 ways to Optimise your next Detox
I am fresh from a 26-hour flight home from Europe, and as I
type - I’m not going to lie here - I feel absolutely dreadful. A lengthy plane
ride will do that to you, and coupled with way too much rich food and delicious
wine on an all too regular basis for the past four weeks I am most definitely
in the mood for a bit of a spring clean - bod-wise as well as to cram all of my
shopping into the damn wardrobe!
I asked GO Healthy Naturopath Janeen Howard (pictured left) for her advice
around approaching a detox, which she says is perfectly suited to the
springtime. Here are her five key ways to optimise a detox, and become a
fresher, healthier you...
1. Exercise your Body:
Not only does exercise make you feel better, but it’s also
an easy way to help your body detox. Toxins are cleared out of your body faster
when you sweat.
2. Dry Skin Brushing:
The skin is responsible for a great deal of daily
detoxification, and dry skin brushing helps to move toxins out of the body.
Begin at your feet and brush upwards toward the heart.
3. Eat Well:
Ensure your diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole foods
and lean protein. Eat organic where possible. Not only will our liver and
digestive system love you for it, but so will your waist line. Not to mention,
healthier, glowing skin!
4. Stay Hydrated:
Drink eight glasses of water per day to aid in the
elimination of toxins. Drink herbal teas instead of coffee. Start the day with
a squeeze of lemon juice in warm water to kickstart your digestive juices and stimulate
liver function.
5. Supplements:
A high quality multi vitamin will supply all the key
nutrients your body requires and address any possible deficiencies. Fish or
Krill Oil will provide your daily essential fatty acids for not only health and
wellbeing, but also for great looking skin. Probiotic is a friendly bacteria
that works hard to maintain a healthy digestive microflora, and of course any
gentle detox supports our hard-working liver. Antioxidants are essential to mop
up free radicals. My all time favourite herb for detoxing is Milk Thistle.
GO Healthy have just released SLIMFAST Detox Diva, which
provides a “combination of potent nutrients, antioxidants and herbs to help
dropkick toxins from the body, pump up energy levels and burn-baby-burn to
support liver function and healthy weight management.” The specific combination
of nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals in Detox Diva includes
Actazin (New Zealand Kiwifruit Extract) to support digestive health and
function, Ginger to aid digestion and settle queasy tummies, Milk Thistle for liver
health and Japanese knotweed, containing the powerful antioxidant, Resveratrol. Kudzu
is in there to help manage the craving for alcohol and last up is Taurine: an
amino acid that helps to remove toxins from the liver.
If you’re in the mood to detox like me then you’re in luck -
I have three bottles of SLIMFAST Detox Diva to giveaway! Simply email me with your name and
delivery address by this Friday at 5:00pm and you’re in the draw…
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